PARTICULARITY - vertaling naar arabisch
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PARTICULARITY - vertaling naar arabisch




تفصيل دقيق جـ تفاصيل ميزة ، تفرد خاصية جـ خصيات ، خصائص
اسْم : تفصيل . نقطة تفصيلية . ميزة . خاصيّة . خصوصيّة . تدقيق


The particularity of something is its quality of being different from other things. The particularities of something are the features that make it different. (FORMAL)
What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system...
Time inevitably glosses over the particularities of each situation.
N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl
Particularity is the giving or showing of details. (FORMAL)
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PARTICULARITY
1. and of particularity.
The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness _ Peter Godfrey Smith _ Talks at Google
2. there's a particularity to relationships,
Vince Vitale _ Talks at Google
3. I think, in our own particularity,
Greg Boyle _ The Whole Language - The Power of Extravagant Tenderness _ Talks at Google
4. to understand the particularity of each other's language use.
Matthew Reynolds _ Talks at Google
5. and stare until you really see it in its particularity
The Way of Wanderlust _ Don George _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PARTICULARITY
1. Sometimes that is because a specific cultural particularity of the English–speaking world is untranslatable.
2. The feeling has to be right, and you get that from memory, from particularity.
3. All the downstairs rooms have a ‘30s art–deco flavor –– the leather–clad armchairs are particularity comfy.
4. My problem comes with his avowed conceptual framework of "progressive nationalism". The particularity of the UK means that it has always been a multi–national polity.
5. The two sides will discuss ways and means to facilitate exchange and contacts at different levels, particularity between parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, scholars and all sectors of the civil society.